galston community news

Busy Term for Dural Cub Scouts

Dural Cub Scouts have enjoyed a varied and interesting programme in Term 2. They started by working on “THEIR SERVICEOUR HERITAGE” badgework.

RSL Hornsby Subbranch welcomed the Cubs they were shown the exhibition of memorabilia and the Eternal Flame Room. They also visited the War Memorial across the road. The Cubs were very well behaved, were eager and interested in everything. They were rewarded at the end of the night with a very informative handout and a Lapel/ hat pin by the Veterans.

A big “Thank You” to the wonderful Veterans who gave their time and shared their knowledge with our Cubs. A popular night was Indoor Cooking – a great way to come together, creating good food and a mess! Cheese Toasties, caramelised apple pieces and Welsh pancakes. When you mix kids and cooking, you create a subtle learning process that will carry over into other parts of their lives.

On another night, with much excitement, the Cubs learnt about care and use of tools and safety tips whilst making a “Hobo” stove and later cooking small dampers.

Dural Scout Group has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).

Please contact Phirooza: 0411 731 976 or [email protected] or Simon: [email protected]

Dural Cub Scouts

George's Garden Maintenance