galston community news

CWA of NSW – Galston would like to sincerely thank you for the 6 giant bags of fabric that you picked up from council clean up and redirected to us. The fabric has been saved from landfill and will instead go towards making items for charity or be repurposed in some way.

The average polyester blend is not biodegradable and can take anywhere from 20 to 200 years to decompose. So, Wendy, we send you 6 giant bags of thanks in return for not only supporting CWA, but also doing your bit for the environment.

We always welcome any donations of fabrics, yarns and craft supplies and promise to put them to good use!

Aside from the excitement of receiving so much amazing fabric, our March meeting saw a very serious segment of judging in this year’s Handicraft Competition. We would like to thank all of those who participated in our branch’s comp on Wednesday 13th March, and extend congratulations to all the place getters:

Indy Chaney
Cameron Truelove

Anne Chartorisky
Ellen Manton
Pam Watson

The winning entries will go on to be judged at the Nepean Group semi-final.

Our next meeting is Wednesday 10th April from 10am. Please join us for morning tea and/or a yummy lunch prepared by the CWA ladies. For further information visit our Facebook page – or call us on 0439 222 217 (Jann) / 9653 1036 (Pam).