galston community news

Cubs Need More Space

1st Dural Cub Scouts attended the Hills District camp recently with units from Kellyville, Castle Hill and Balcombe Heights. The theme “I need more Space”, developed from Cubs ideas at a recent Cub pack council, took them on an intergalactic mission to colonize a new planet. The storyline involved cubs being put into Cryostasis and being transported on a lightspeed spacecraft to Earth2, which unfortunately crash-landed Friday night on arrival. Cubs had to use orienteering skills by torchlight to recover supplies (trestle table, gas bottle, BBQ and cooking equipment) that were scattered throughout bushland. The theme continued throughout the camp with activities such as camp cooking, alien dress-ups, movie night, Gadget making with sticks/ropes and parachute making. It was exciting to try out the much-needed new tents, made possible with the support of local community through fundraising efforts.

Cub Elijah Dawson said “On the first night after the crash-landing we had to go and find our food supplies. It was dark and so we made sure we didn’t get separated from our patrol of 6 Cubs by holding onto a rope as we moved about the bush with head torches.

My favourite part of the camp was when we were cooking. One afternoon we made S’Mores, which are a tasty treat made of marshmallow and biscuits wrapped in foil and cooked on the fire.”

1st Dural Group currently has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 yo. More information can be obtained from [email protected]