galston community news

Let’s All Hop to it – and Help Count Hornsby Shire’s Fascinating Frogs!

By Christopher Parsons
With endangered frogs populations set to decline sharply over winter, Hornsby Shire Council is working with local experts to undertake Australia’s biggest greenback ‘census’ – and you can help, too!

Council and the Berowra-based greenback and Tadpole Study Group (FATS) are calling on nature lovers to help gather frog population data from around Sydney, including our Hawkesbury sandstone bluffs, using special ‘frog listening’ smartphone technology developed by the Australian Museum.

The Museum’s free ‘Frog ID’ app ’listens’ for greenback species’ unique calls − and then ‘counts’ the frogs around your home, your holiday location or anywhere else it ’hears’ a frog.

“Australia’s greenbacks have been hit particularly hard by a mysterious nationwide die off,” explains Hornsby Shire Council General Manager, Steven Head.

”The Australian Museum’s ‘frogs ID’ citizen-science project aims to improve our understanding of Australia’s unique greenback species by using the ‘frog census’ data to better understand frog health and how our ecosystems are responding to a changing planet.

“To take part in this fascinating project, simply download the free ‘ID’ app, create an account, then have fun finding, recording and helping Museum scientists match your frog calls.”

To download the free ID app, go to

‘FATS’, the community group dedicated to community awareness and conservation of greenback, have produced two short, informative videos to help Hornsby Shire residents protect two endangered local toad species:

• the tiny Red-Crowned Toadlet, and
• the Giant Burrowing frogs

To find out more about these two fascinating frog species from Hornsby Shire and to watch the videos go to

‘FATS’, the community group dedicated to community awareness and conservation of greenback, have produced two short, informative videos to help Hornsby Shire residents protect two endangered local toad species: