galston community news

Concrete feedback needed on proposal

Comment on a proposal for more regular use of the concrete batching plant in Schwebel Lane, Glenorie is being sought from residents living in and around the village centre.

The facility, operated since the 1980s, was last year taken on by leading building and construction materials firm, Boral, after the company reached a leasing agreement with local owners, the Webb family.

During the past year, the plant has only been operated occasionally as a ‘campaign’ site. Boral is now, however, preparing a development application (DA) to seek approval for an increase in production output.

The DA, to be submitted to The Hills Shire Council, will request an annual production limit of 52000 tonnes for the site, with various operating hours across seven days.

The proposal will also include the building of a third storage silo to hold materials, and the establishment of a new ‘slumping’ stand (where water is added to cement and aggregates to make the concrete).

Since June, Boral has been engaging with several local groups to introduce the proposal and gather initial feedback in an effort to shape the application. This included a presentation at the October meeting of the Glenorie Progress Association (GPA).

Boral’s Stakeholder Relations Manager, Paul Jackson, said comments given on the proposal so far had greatly assisted the company’s understanding of several potential issues. Despite this, he said more views were needed.

“A clear picture on what we need to focus upon through writing the DA has emerged, but we’re conscious there will be other opinions that need consideration as well,” Mr Jackson said.

“Our approach is to discern the broadest range of views before the actual planning process begins so that right from the outset, what we propose is as aligned to community expectation as possible.”

Information about Boral’s proposal released to the community so far has been placed on the GPA’s website at The company is working toward lodging the DA before Christmas and will issue further community information ahead of the DA lodgement.