galston community news

Community Connect

By Bev Jordan
If you have some time on your hands and want to get involved in your community then Community Connect may be the place to start.

Norwest Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting a special community market day at Harvey Lowe Pavilion Castle Hill on Sunday, March 20th to showcase the different groups operating in the Hills area and the variety of options to join or volunteer.

There will be a free coffee from The Hills Daily Grind plus a free sausage sizzle for attendees who can then browse the stalls and chat to people from various organisations in the area.

Community Connect is supported by Hills Shire Council and aims to break down the barriers of isolation and connect people with community groups who are making a difference.

Groups attending so far include The Positive Vibes Foundation, Friends of Bella Vista Farm, The Hills Historical Society, Castle Hill Art Society and the Wanderers Bushwalking Club as well as BushCare volunteers and several service clubs.

President of Norwest Rotary Club Mercedes Durante urged local community groups to get involved by having a stall and urged people considering joining a club or group to come along.

“Community Connect is a project Norwest Sunrise Rotary club has been working on for quite some time now,” she said. “The involvement and relationships within the community is something we feel is incredibly important especially after two years of living in isolation because of COVID.

“This connection is ultimately good for people’s health and mental well-being.

“We hope many people will come to our event, say hello and see what other groups are doing in our community; and perhaps be inspired themselves to get involved.”

Entry is free for community groups wanting to have an information stall

WHAT: Community Connect
WHEN: Sunday March 20th 11am to 3pm
WHERE: Harvey Lowe Pavilion Castle Hill Showground
COST: Free
INFO: Deborah from Norwest Sunrise Rotary on 0490 723 163 or email [email protected]

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