galston community news

Community Bush Dance 17th June 6pm

The Glenorie Community will again host their annual Bush Dance at the Glenorie Memorial Hall.

The Hall was built in 1932 and provides the perfect setting with a classic country feel, for a bush dance. Every year the timber floor boards echo with the stomping of boots as young and old blast away the winter chill with some genuine hoe-down, heel and toe fun.

This long standing event has become a “must attend” for an decent Aussie or wannabe Aussie who wants to keep the tradition of bush dancing alive. It doesn’t matter if you have never danced before, all of the dances are called/instructed and you will be welcomed regardless of your experience… we’re all novices.

The famous Strike A Light band provide traditional bush music and all the favourite dances are run: Heel and Toe, Strip the Willow, Waves of Bondi etc. What a great way to introduce your kids to a cultural tradition.

Bookings are essential or call Mark Holt 0418 298 121.