galston community news

Community Bank Galston – 20th Anniversary

A Message from our Manager…..

On the Momentous Occasion of Galston & District Branch completing its 20th Anniversary I would like to acknowledge the support of our Loyal Customers and the local community Bank at Galston who have been partners in our success.

Through these two decades, our loyal customers have supported every initiative and given us timely feedback while contributing in many ways to us reaching where we are today. On behalf of the Board and each and every Galston Branch staff, we take this occasion to thank them once again and we look forward to their continued support in the decades to come.

A hearty congratulations to the Board and Shareholders for their vision and having reposed their faith and confidence through these decades. The success of this branch is a reflection on our dedicated staff whose passion, character & commitment has been on display every single day and form the building blocks of our sustained success

Regards, Savio Pereira

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