galston community news

Citizen science in action in our community

Citizen Science has been alive and well in Glenorie for many years. One of the really valuable tools for this has been Streamwatch run by Sydney Water. This has enabled school children and community through the Glenorie Environment Centre to work together using credible, objective scientific methods to identify water quality issues and, with the help of Council, to find solutions. The great result of this collaboration has been an amazing improvement in water quality over the years in Glenorie Creek.

Streamwatch involvement has encouraged children and adults to develop curiosity about their environment and to stimulate an interest in Science. Some of these young scientists are pictured with Hornsby Shire Deputy Mayor, Councillor Michael Hutchence, on the banks of Glenorie Creek.

The management of Streamwatch has now moved from Sydney Water to the Australian Museum and although this opens up more exciting opportunities for Streamwatch it also means that only adults 18 and over can be part of the program. If you want more information on the programs available you can view at (the Australian Museum) or telephone 9320 6422. Councillor Hutchence is interested in encouraging school children to be involved in stimulating and interesting citizen science programs, some of which the Glenorie Environment Centre is developing at present.

For more information please contact