galston community news

Circular Keys Chorus Continues to Shine In 2023

2022 was a year of rebuilding for the Baulkham Hills-based Circular Quays Chorus after the last few years of on-and-off lockdowns and restrictions. With platforms such as ZOOM being accessible, Circular Keys continued to rehearse from the comfort of their own homes. To keep things interesting, they would theme some of their rehearsals, have game nights, and even recorded acapella renditions of some of their favourite songs.

As soon as restrictions lifted, the group wasted no time in getting back together in person. The first rehearsal was filled with endless joy, hugs, happy tears, and lots of beautifully ringing chords!

The year started with preparing to compete in the Sweet Adelines Australia Region 34 Video Contest that would be held later on in May. Members attended many coaching sessions and worked tirelessly on perfecting their songs and performance. All their hard work paid off as the Chorus was awarded 2nd Place in the mid-size Chorus Division and 3rd place over all other contestants.

Followed by their success in the contest, a 6-week Learn To Sing Acapella course was held where participants would learn how to sing in four-part harmony (Barbershop style) and two songs they would later perform at an end-of-course Concert and Graduation Ceremony. The course-goer’s family and friends came along and enjoyed seeing what their loved ones had been learning and working on.

With 12 new members settled in, Circular Keys were invited to perform for the first time in public since 2019 at community events such as The Doonside and Granny Smith Festival, where they performed various songs, including their two winning contest songs and Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive,” which seemed to be the crowd pleaser.

In August, Circular Keys Chorus was recognized by Blacktown City Council and awarded a Creative Arts Grant along with many other recipients.

During the Christmas season, Circular Keys Chorus made their way around performing again at the Blacktown Community Carols, Kenthurst Community Carols and were part of the Choirs In The City program held by the City Of Sydney. You may have caught them singing Christmas classics such as “Santa Clause Is Coming To Town” and “All I Want For Christmas” in Martin Place in front of the spectacular Christmas Tree or Pitt Street Mall.

In 2023, the Chorus will compete in Brisbane at the Sweet Adelines Australia Contest/Convention and hope to perform more in the community.

Circular Keys Chorus is a non-profit, multi-award-winning four-part Harmony Chorus of women aged 16+ who embrace diversity and inclusiveness belonging to Sweet Adelines Australia/International.

The group rehearses every Wednesday night at St. Joseph’s Baulkham Hills (33 Barina Downs Road) from 7:30 PM.

For more information, please email Circular Keys Chorus Membership Chair Anne Thompson at [email protected]