galston community news

Choose extraordinary!

I’m not sure if it’s my age, a greater awareness, or a sign of the times … but I see so much brokenness. People consigned to just living out their life, as if this is acceptable. That a life without love, joy and peace are almost to be expected.

There seems an overwhelming dissatisfaction across the world; a lack of joy, a lack of purpose, a lack of meaning.

I sense a such a deep longing for a better life, and it’s not even restricted to age groups or socio economic situation.

Ever increasing levels of anxiety, depression, addiction, suicide … all at a time when the world is largely at peace. Where, at least in our society, we live in affluence, with choice a plenty.

So why such longing? Why such dissatisfaction? Why a lack of joy? Peace? Patience?

My greatest frustration is I have the answers – but everyone is too busy to listen. Or too deeply grieved to believe there is hope.

Scepticism is so great that the light at the end of the tunnel is obviously a train, likely filled with explosives, and surely going to steam roll us as we continue to stagger through this darkness called life.

But there really is a way. There really is a light. There really is hope that leads to love, joy, and peace.

The heaviness of life can be cast off and replaced by a joyous walk. It’s within reach and doesn’t even have to be that far away.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28

Can you accept that? Can you believe that peace is truly available to you, even in the situation you are in? Can you see that there really is hope, that you can truly experience love and joy!

ARGGGHHHH, I just want to shout from the rooftops and get your attention?

Your life can be filled with a joy so inexpressible that you are moved to tears with the sunrise. That you are filled with laughter at the sounds of children running by. That the very air you breathe is suddenly sweeter as your hope ascends and you look up not down.

Can you receive it? Can you personally achieve it? Can this life that seems so far be yours?


All of us are broken, yet not all of us live in brokenness. You too can be healed and whole and living a life on purpose, with meaning, and a sense of satisfaction.

Why accept a life of so-so, when you can have extraordinary?

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

If you are interested, can I encourage you to pray a simple prayer … ask the Father (aloud or quietly) to direct you to a local church, to find the right community and for that extraordinary journey to begin. I believe in the power of prayer and know that if you ask you will receive.