Staples premier pumpouts

Think Before you Light That Fire

For those on rural lots, winter is the time of year to take care of the excess and dead vegetation that has collected over the past season or two.

Whilst a Fire Permit is not required outside of the Bushfire Danger period between 1 October to 31 March, you are still required to seek an Approval To Burn permit from Hornsby Shire Council to undertake a pile burn.

For those wishing to conduct a pile burn during the Bushfire Danger Period you must also obtain a Fire Permit from the NSW Rural Fire Service.

A recreational fire for the purposes of cooking does not require approval. A recreational fire would typically be of less than 1m in diameter and be contained within an appropriate structure such as a barbeque with smoke being minimised at all times.

Bonfires for recreational purposes are strictly prohibited at all times. Piles should be kept wide and long, rather than high keeping a safe distance from overhead powerlines, tree canopies and other structures such as fences, sheds, buildings and property boundaries.

If your pile is larger than 2m, create multiple piles of 2m wide or long keeping a minimum of 5m from other piles/structures. Piles should only contain native vegetation that has dried, and is not green or wet. Burning of building materials and other waste is prohibited.

Your local Rural Fire Service can also assist you with your pile burn. Galston Rural Fire Brigade regularly assists local landowners with Pile Burns, or for larger areas we can assist with Hazard Reduction burns around your property.

Remember to notify your neighbours prior and where required to do so, notify the NSW Rural Fire Service when you light up.

For more information on how to apply for an Approval To Burn please visit the Hornsby Shire Council website –

Bushfire Danger

Prager Building