galston community news

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

Bush Fire Season ends…HR season begins

31 March marks the end of the official bush fire season. Although we have had one of the hottest summers on record we are fortunate not to have had any major fires in our area. It is now time to get back into completing Fuel Management/ Hazard Reduction (FM/HR) burns, weather permitting. You may see brigade members in uniform walking the burn areas on or near your property. Remember – although you no longer need a permit in The Hills Shire for pile burns on rural properties, you must comply with the regulations that still apply. For more info see contact details below.

Caravan loses a wheel

In February we were called to a caravan rollover. Although the van was quite new, the wheel nuts had worked loose so, result – wheel studs broke and one wheel came off. Thank you to Belinda from Glenorie Preschool who immediately helped out. The takehome lesson is: make sure you check your wheels regularly.

Introducing the new Glenorie Community Engagement Coordinator

I have thoroughly enjoyed my role as Community Engagement Coordinator with the brigade but the time has come to hand over the baton. As of the April AGM James Wicking, assisted by Chloe Paton and Roger Fitzpatrick, will be heading up the team. They have been part of the team which has very actively supported me for years and will do a great job. So this is my last newsletter.

Introducing James

Glenorie Growers Market regulars will know James but for everyone else here’s a quick profile:

When did you join the RFS?
I completed basic training in 2012 and have been furthering my training every year.

Business Development Manager with some mobile mechanics on weekends.

Marital status?
Soon to be married

Best part of being in the brigade?
I have to be honest – driving around in a big red fire truck!

Why do you do Community Engagement?
I love meeting people and helping them stay safe.

Please don’t hesitate to stop by the market stand and say g’day to James and the team.

For further information go to or contact the Brigade: Station Phone: 9652 2017 (leave a message and someone will get back to you) or talk to a real person, James: 0422 168 914. Visit the brigade stand at the Glenorie Growers Market on the fourth Sunday of the month in the grounds of Glenorie RSL.

Facebook: Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade
Email: [email protected]