galston community news


November Guest Speaker – Kathy Potter
The Importance of Frogs and Tadpoles

The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold its next meeting at George Bell Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 9th November with plant sales commencing at 11am followed by the meeting at 12noon. Access is via the Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill, with plenty of parking on site.

Our guest speaker will be Kathy Potter, a science communicator involved with the Frog and Tadpole Study Group of NSW.

Frogs are an important part of our ecosystems and an iconic part of our culture, but how much do we really know about our local frogs? All over the world frog populations are being threatened by disease, habitat loss, pollution and the effects of interacting with introduced species. Take this opportunity to learn more about your local frogs, and what you can do to help them survive. Don’t forget to bring along your photos and recordings of frogs for identification.

Kathy Potter completed a degree in Linguistics in 2009 before discovering an interest in bioacoustics and amphibian research. She has been working at the Australian Museum as a Research Assistant and Technical Officer for two years on a variety of projects centred around frog advertisement calls, including the citizen science project FrogID. Kathy also has extensive experience as a science communicator through her involvement with the Frog and Tadpole Study Group of New South Wales.

BSA Meetings include plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment.

Contact Ian Hook – mobile 0408202269, email: [email protected] website: