galston community news


The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 15 October with plant sales commencing at 12noon prior to the meeting. Access is via the new Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill.

Guest speaker will be George Oehm, Australian Native Orchid Society (ANOS) Sydney Group who will discuss the establishment of his Australian native orchid garden using different varieties of Dendrobium speciosum native orchids and also the native Sarcochilus orchids suitable for shady parts of the garden.

“Many of the Bromeliad Society of Australia members also grow various types of orchids and succulents and over the next few months we look forward to meeting the guest speakers who are willing to share exceptional knowledge and passion with us.” said Ian Hook, President BSA.

BSA meetings include plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment. Contact Ian Hook –
mobile 0408202269,
email: [email protected]