galston community news


The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 19 November with plant sales commencing at 12noon prior to the meeting, Organised by The Bromeliad Society of Australia. Access is via the new Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill.

Guest speaker will be Lindsay Manton, Cactus and Succulent Society of NSW who will explain the how-to with succulents – soil mix, fertilising, propagation and how these plants can be used as art objects.

“Lindsay will also take the opportunity to emphasise how, simply, we can encourage people affected by poor health and behavioural disorders to use gardening as a form of therapy.” said Ian Hook, President Bromeliad Society of Australia “Following the diagnosis and during my chemo treatment for cancer I went into depression,” said Lindsay. I’m convinced the interaction with succulents and involving myself in gardening helped my recovery from cancer and depression” said Lindsay When people see my cacti and succulents flowering in a mass, they understand just why I love them,’’ he said.

BSA meetings include plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment. Contact Ian Hook – mobile 0408202269, email: [email protected]