galston community news

Bromeliad Society of Australia: Discovering the Bromeliad Billbergia

The Bromeliad Society of Australia’s next meeting will be held on Saturday, 9th July in the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground off Showground Road, Castle Hill.

Sales to members, guest and the general public from 10am with the meeting commencing at 12noon.

Ian Hook, President, BSA will discuss the many varieties of the Billbergia Bromeliad and briefly touch on the history of Mr Billbergia, and great hybridizer Don Beadle.

Billbergia plant species are a very popular bromeliad, Nutans, Pyramidalis and Alfonsi Joannis being 3 of the most widely grown species. Billbergia ‘Santa Barbara’ is an upright cultivar, small but very attractive pink and green flowers, that will reach around 30 cm in height and looks fabulous massed planted in a large pot. Being relatively easy to grow they also have colourful flowers and interesting foliage, originally from Brazil, Mexico and surrounding areas.

Propagation is easiest by division, best carried out after flowering. Simply separate the pups with a knife and repot in a free draining fine to medium orchid potting mix.

Bilbergias require very little attention once established, they are naturally epiphytic and can be easily grown in pots using suitable potting mix. These plants may be mounted on wood for a spectacular display. The tubular leaves of are designed to hold water to keep the plant healthy and happy.

Best grown in bright dappled shade or indirect light and they also do well in sheltered verandahs or pergolas.

Hallelujah, Domingos Martins, Pink Champagne, Santa Barbara, Smokstack and Beadle Man.

BSA Meetings include plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment.

Contact Ian Hook – mobile 0408 202 269
email: [email protected]

Bromeliad Society

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