galston community news

Bromeliad Autumn Show

April 14 and 15 – Federation Pavilion –
Castle Hill Showground

Bromeliads …. admire them for their colour, texture, ower spikes and numerous varieties, but one thing for sure is that on mass planting they will simply take your breath away.

The Bromeliad Autumn Show will be held at the Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 14 April between 9-4pm and Sunday, 15 between 10-3pm.

Exquisite and rare bromeliads from local, interstate growers and collectors will be on display and also for sale to the public during the Bromeliad Society of Australia’s annual autumn show.

This includes a Victorian Tillandsia expert and a grower from Queensland with specifically flowering plants and with Mothers Day just around the corner bromeliads make wonderful gifts. “This show is not to be missed if you’re a bromeliad enthusiast or just looking for plants that are colourful, drought tolerant and very low maintenance, not to mention their wonderful ower spikes” said Ian Hook, President, BSA.

Bromeliad is the family name. Guzmania, Vriesea and Tillandsia are names of varieties within the family. Aechmea and Ananas (Pineapple) also belong to this family as do Neoregelia , Cryptanthus and Billbergia.

“There will be a huge bromeliad display, over 30 plant sale tables that are continually restocked, competitions, books, pots, information and free advice available by experienced growers” he said “There is plenty of parking on site and admission is free to the show” said Ian Hook. For further information call Ian Hook on mobile 0408 202 269 Email: [email protected] or check out the website