galston community news

Bone Dry Hay Run

Did you know that NSW is currently in one of the worst droughts it has been in for decades?

Now almost at three years straight with insufficient rainfall to feed and grow, our farmers face the daily heart break and struggle of knowing there is still no forecast predictions for decent rain anywhere in sight.

Last year, in early 2018 we visited a small country town called Brewarrina NSW, it wasn’t until then that we realised how serious and life affecting this drought is and has been for these farmers. With all of the fundraising that had been done to help out farmers, Brewarrina and surrounding suburbs were yet to see any support or donations towards realistically staying alive. This is where Bone Dry Hay Run was born, a small committee of volunteers from The Hills district rallying together to do their bit to make a difference and help our farmers out.

In 2018 and early 2019 through our fundraising events and efforts we have successfully supported our farmers with raising over $55,000. As soon as the money was in the kitty after each event we immediately arranged logistics and transport to get the feed and supplies straight to our farmers. Completing five hay runs, that also included living supplies such as fresh filtered drinking water that is now also running out. We arranged vouchers to local produce stores in local Brewarrina areas, hosted BBQ’s on the days of the hay runs and also did a drive for our female farmers and wives and were able to create 40 pamper packs, things that we simply take for granted in the bigger cities. We couldn’t have done this alone and have many fantastic businesses behind us making all we do possible. Thank you to Bendigo Bank Galston, The Galston Club, Eric’s Tender Meats Galston, Uniting Church Galston and many more businesses both locally and afar.

Whilst what we have done has created some relief for the Far North West of NSW and Brewarrina regions, they still need our help. We are gearing up for our next event and we need your help. Please grab your family and friends and join us for our upcoming Beef + Reef Buffet Night at The Galston Club on Saturday 19th October from 6.00pm. We invite you to dig deep, join us for a great night out with fresh seafood, meals, desserts, raffles, auctions, games and entertainment from the wonderful Ell Regan and Tommy Miller – Country and Western theme of course. So we give you permission to dig out your flanno, and do your bit to help us help our farmers during this relentless and unforgiving drought. Just $60 per adult per ticket.

If you can’t join us on the night but want to get involved please contact us, we are Accepting donations of prizes for our raffles and auctions, and are open to any ideas and contributions. Please contact chairperson Shelley directly on 0400 558 696 or email at [email protected]

All donations are GREATLY Appreciated and Recognised 100% of proceeds go straight to our farmers.