galston community news

The Best Ever Arcadian Quilters Biennial Show

The biennial show for the Arcadian Quilters group is being held in the Galston Community Hall, 37 Arcadia Road Galston on 9th-10th September 9.00am-3.30pm Saturday and Sunday.

There will be quilts on show covering every aspect of quilting, embellishment by embroidery, needle turned appliqué, etc etc. The show is going to be the best ever. Over the last two years we have done workshops with notable Quilters from the Quilters Guild and these quilts will be also in the exhibition.

We also have quilts for sale at very reasonable prices. This is because we were given a wonderful collection of fabrics. These have been made by the group at various working bees over the last two years. There is something for every one. Also in this collection is a variety of Christmas themed quilts and quilts suitable for children.

There will be members and trader’s stalls where you will find quilt patterns, kits, fabrics and tools for sale. Light refreshments will be available.

Disabled access available. Entry $5.00, children free. Plenty of free parking. Our show is generously sponsored by the Bendigo Bank Galston.

The photo following has been made from men’s shirting fabrics and is just one of the many quilts in the show.

For further information please ring Carole 9894 7749.