galston community news

Bloodwood-Peebles: Road Ride

This out and back route is one of the best road rides in the area. Start from Galston Village, or Andy’s Cafe on Arcadia Road. What makes this ride so good, is that once you have ridden up Cobah Road to Northolm Grammar, (1km climb) both Bloodwood and Peebles Roads follow ridgelines and are gently undulating, so one can truly enjoy being in the moment.

Bloodwood Road is actually quite remote, and but for a few secretive driveways to hidden acreages, one feels a million miles away from Sydney. Peebles Road has exceptional, big sky views of the Blue Mountains. Both roads are quiet, with little or zero motor vehicles on them, so this is a safe and stress-free ride to do with novice cyclists, to socialise with friends, pedal together as a family, or push yourself to the max if training. Landowners have planted many beautiful trees along both routes, which burst into a visual feast of splendid autumn colours as the weather gets cooler, or verdant tunnels of green in spring.

If you feel the need for additional distance, turn left onto Arcadia Road, and ride out and back to Chilcott Road in Berrilee. (+13km).


GRADE: Easy. Suitable for casual cyclists and serious cyclists.

TIME and DISTANCE: 1.5hours, 35km

NOTES: Avoid doing this ride during school drop off and pick up times. Watch for unconfined dogs and potholes on Peebles Road. Although there is very little traffic, keep to your side of the road and be vigilant around driveways, blind corners and rises. Stay focused when descending Cobah Road- particularly the sharp, blind bend at the end of the descent.

FACILITIES: Coffee, meals, water and toilets at Andy’s Cafe.

RIDE MAP: Follow the author, Susanna Mills, on Strava, or plan your ride using Google Maps.