galston community news

Australian Air League

Since 1934 the Australian Air League has been teaching young boys and girls all about aviation, while helping them to develop important lifestyle skills like leadership, discipline, self-confidence and teamwork.

Members of the Australian Air League make new friends and take part in fun and exciting activities on the ground and in the air! The Australian Air league offers members the opportunity to have flight experiences, flight training and ground theory lessons at our base at Camden with our Cessna 152 and Piper Warriors.

We encourage all members of the community aged 8 – 18 for cadets, and 18+ for officers to get involved. Members who join are seeking an organisation to learn how aircraft work, make new friends, develop discipline and leadership, be part of a team, attend camps and other fun outings, learn how to march, get involved in the community, take part in a range of fun activities and if interested; learn to fly. If any of the above interests you, please consider becoming a member yourself.

How do I join?
When you join the Australian Air League you meet each week at your local Squadron where you will learn skills and take part in fun activities. Members must be age 8 – 18 to join the Air League. Its open to all and cadets come from many different backgrounds and cultures. The Air League is family friendly too – Parents and family are welcome to help support their local squadron, or even join as a volunteer or officer themselves!

Hornsby RSL Boys Squadron
Friday’s 7:30 – 9:30
1 Ashley Lane Hornsby NSW 2077
Please contact Commanding Officer Marshall Howes
Email: [email protected] Contact: 1800 502 175