galston community news

Aussie Hero Quilts Arcadian Quilters

Special requests come into the coordinator for Aussie Heroes for quilts of a favourite and certain theme. This one depicts the Geelong Cats sporting team along with the appliqué featuring their emblem. The quilt is in all shades of blue and different printed fabrics.

The quilt on the floor was another special request for a soldier who wanted one showing the marine life on the Great Barrier Reef.

These specially made quilts are labelled by the coordinator with the soldier’s name, rank and regiment and then dispatched. The quilts have to fit a specification to be all the one size so they can be packed into uniform size boxes for dispatch.

Arcadian Quilters Inc meet every first and third Wednesday of the month at the Galston Health Centre, corner of the Glen and Arcadia Rd, Galston. Morning teas are always good so come and meet us. Further information ring Carole 02 9894 7749