galston community news

Arcadian Quilting News

July already and that means we can look forward to that Mid-Year Treat …

‘Christmas in July’. With a booking already made the Arcadian Quilting Group is looking forward to stepping out in style and enjoying “lunch” prepared by someone else!!

Further news from our group must include the completion of this wonderfully coloured Happy Triangles quilt (pictured below) which was another of our shared projects.

I think there is a phrase way back in country folk-lore about ‘a job shared is a job halved’ … and that phrase suits this bright cheery effort very well as the quilt was completed quickly.

We do continue to send our quilts out into the Community wherever there is a need during these winter months.

Big Ted will be accompanying me to our next group meeting which we are ALL hoping will be back at our home venue in Galston???

Due to Covid etc we had to move out of the Community Health Centre at the Glade many many months ago and readers may remember Big Ted (who became our mascot-by-default) accompanying the Quilters to Heritage Park in Castle Hill where we continued as closely as possible to ‘normal’.

Holding our AGM in the park for example which I point out did bring smiles from a few locals and also some of the children who played in the park on that day. Even at those park-meetings we were able to continue with ‘our shared group quilt’ activities!!

For further information about ‘where we will be’ please contact Carole on 9894 7749.

Stay well, keep warm and do call in to see us as we continue to work within ‘Our Community’.

Arcadian Quilting