galston community news

Arcadia Public School

What an exciting term we have planned for our students! It is so nice to see all our students back in or classrooms and learning. We also have various fun days organised to ensure we all end 2021 with a huge smile and lots of fun memories.

We welcomed our class of 2022 Kindergarten students on Friday and they had a wonderful time getting to know their teacher Mrs Crouch, meeting new friends and our chickens and playing in our beautiful play areas.

Our students have also been very busy designing and making our class scarecrows. What a fabulous community initiative that was so fun to be a part of!

Our school leaders presented a respectful assembly for Remembrance Day 2021. A minutes’ silence was observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation. Lest we forget.

We have limited spaces available for Kindergarten 2022. Before and after class care places are available on site phone 8678 0279 for enquiries and bookings.

Please phone the school on 9653 1207 or visit our website for enrolment information and to find out more about our beautiful building.