galston community news

Arcadia Pony Club hosts successful Zone Show Jumping competition

Arcadia Pony Club hosted the Zone 23 Show Jumping competition at their wonderful grounds at the Rural Sports Facility on Sunday 2nd April. With over 50 competitors the day was a huge success with the event generously sponsored by Horseland Dural. The results for the day were as follows:

A Grade
Champion – Rachel Temm (Forest Hills)
Reserve Champion – Sarah Wilton (Dural)

B Grade
Champion – Courtney Williams (Dural)
Reserve Champion – Lucy Fretus (Arcadia)

C Grade
Champion – Brooke Chapman (Avondale)
Reserve Champion – Sarah Harris (Arcadia)

D Grade
Champion – Sarah Cairns (Arcadia)
Reserve Champion – Emily Horbach (Arcadia)

E Grade
Champion – Rosie Kenny (Arcadia)
Reserve Champion – Maddison Edmondson (Dural)

F Grade
Champion – Scarlett Burns (Arcadia)
Reserve Champion – Bridget Lethlean (Arcadia)

Congratulations to all the competitors and a big thank you to the event organisers and to all the parents that helped throughout the day with gear check, stewarding, marshalling, judging and of course all of our canteen team.

We would also like to thank Horseland Dural as our event sponsor who donated a range of wonderful prizes for our event raffle. Thank you also to the other local business that generously donated goods and services for the raffle.

Do you love horses, enjoy teaching children and think you may have an interest in becoming a pony club instructor? We would love to hear from you. We provide a safe and structured learning program in line with Pony Club NSW guidelines.

Arcadia Pony meets the first, third and fifth Sunday every month at the Rural Sports Facility in Galston. We’d love to see you there!

To find out more about Arcadia Pony Club please check out our new website at