galston community news

Arcadia Pony Club 2019 Registration & Open Day – Come meet and ride with the stars from Tinney Eventing!

Come ride with us – join us for fun, friendship and competitions!

If you think Pony Club looks like a lot of fun but were not sure if it is for you, why don’t you come along to our 2019 Registration & Open Day on Sunday, 3rd February to find out more. Arcadia Pony Club has a “come and try” programme for riders aged between 4 – 25 years with their own horses or ponies where you can come along to a Rally Day and gain some riding instruction, meet new friends and have a lot of fun.

We have amazing grounds and equipment with three enclosed grass arenas, a bridle trail around the perimeter and day yards for the horses plus a fabulous canteen! We are part of Pony Club Zone 23. We encourage our members to learn all aspects of horse care and riding.

We also have one of the largest group of qualified NCAS Pony Club instructors in NSW as well as a pool of local equestrian professionals to supplement our NCAS instructors. This gives the members quality instruction in dressage, horsemanship, showjumping, cross country jumping, polocrosse, sporting and mounted games each rally day.

We meet the first and third Sunday every month at the Rural Sports Facility in Galston. To find out more about Arcadia Pony Club and to see our instructor profiles, please visit