galston community news

Arcadia & Galston Resident’s Association – 16th May Meeting report

Our May meeting saw over 100 people attend after we had invited Senior Constable Colin Mitchell and Detective Chief Inspector Neil Higgins to attend regarding concerns from the local community about the increase of crimes in our area. Senior Constable Colin Mitchell had a presentation with the statistics of our area and both gentlemen answered the numerous questions from the floor. The message from the Hornsby Kuring gai Police is: – DON’T WASTE TIME – REPORT THE CRIME

A reminder to everyone: please report CRIME at the time or as close to the incident as possible. This gives police the best opportunity to attend in a timely manner and the best chance to catch those who are up to badness.

Also, report SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY at the time or as close to the suspicious incident as possible, this gives police the best chance to at least speak with the suspicious person/s and determine if their intentions are honest or not.

We receive phone calls from well-intentioned members of our community reporting suspicious behaviour, incidents, persons or vehicles in their area. We encourage this. We want this to happen, but we get frustrated when the caller indicates the incident occurred a few hours or even days prior to the call to us.

When asked why they didn’t call sooner, the answer often is “I didn’t know if it was worth reporting” or “I’ve spoken to some friends and they suggested I call and report it”, or “I didn’t want to waste your time”.

Well it IS worth reporting and it IS a concern when suspicious behaviour is occurring in your street – WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT, and in a timely manner if possible. If we don’t know till well after the fact, our influence in the outcome drastically diminishes.

You are our eyes and ears out there – please tell us quickly or as soon as practicably possible.


Ways of reporting suspicious activities, vehicles and persons are:

• (000) – Triple Zero for emergency or life-threatening situations
• 131 444 – Police Assistance Line (PAL) for non-emergencies
• 1800 333 000 – Crimestoppers (to provide crime information)
• Or your local police station – Hornsby Station 9476 9799.

Councillor Warren Waddell also updated the meeting on Hornsby Council matters and Jill Gleave from the Berowra Water s Resident’s association presented on the affects our area has on their local waterways.

Our next meeting is the AGM is being held on the 25TH July, 7pm at the Galston Club

Scott and Sons