galston community news

Another Dumper Caught Red-handed

An astute Glenorie resident was instrumental in catching yet another company dumping fill materials in our locality.

The resident, who we understand had had some excavations works carried out at their property, placed an ad on gumtree advertising free fill. They were contacted by a company who offered to take the fill for $350 per truck load. The resident agreed to sell the fill and the truck arrived to collect the first load. The resident then asked where the fill was being tipped, and the driver replied ‘the Galston tip”. This rang alarm bells with the resident, so when the truck returned to collect the final truckload, the resident followed the truck to see where it was dumping the fill.

The truck drove from Glenorie to Galston, then down Belbowrie Close. It stopped at the bottom, the truck driver got out, opened the fire trail gate with a key(!), drove down the fire trail and tipped the fill. The resident clearly realised this was being illegally dumped, so photos were taken as evidence of the truck, the driver and him using the key.

We can only assume the resident must have been aware of the Geelans Road dumping problems, as they alerted Ray Hadley of 2GB to the situation. Ray took the matter up with his usual enthusiasm, alerted the Police, the EPA, and aired the saga to his listeners. You can listen to the podcast on our facebook page, our website or on the 2GB facebook page.

We understand the matter is now under a full investigation. Residents need to keep an eye out for illegal dumping. The more we see and report, the harder it will become for would-be dumpers.