galston community news

Anglicare Winter Food Drive – Dural, Cherrybrook and Glenhaven Anglican Churches

June 17th and 18th

As the weather cools down we seem to feel a bit hungrier. Imagine if you hadn’t enough money to buy food for your family to alleviate this hunger.

Many Sydney families are faced with this dilemma, especially in Winter, when extra money is needed for electricity and gas.

It is for this reason, for the past fourteen years, our communities have supported the Dural District, Glenhaven and Cherrybrook Anglican Churches Anglicare Winter Food Drive.

Anglicare has come to rely on the 30,000 plus items supplied each year to help families that find themselves in difficulties over Winter.

So when a member of these Churches comes calling, or you see them in your local supermarket, please donate cans of tuna, baked beans, soup or cereal, toilet paper, pasta and rice.

All our local schools also participate in this amazing initiative.

For more details please go to our website Hope to see you at your door, or in the supermarket. Rev. Chris Baxter
Dural District Anglican Churches