galston community news


Who would have thought that a STEM competition would provide students from Pacific Hills Christian School at Dural with the opportunity to represent their nation?

The Year 12 students have been selected for Team Australia which will be competing against teams from 50 other countries at the F1 in Schools World Finals in Singapore.

The students are in their first season of competing in the F1 in Schools STEM Challenge – the biggest sciencetechnologies- engineeringmaths program in Australia and in the world (with over nine million students participating). They designed and made a very quick miniature F1 car capable of accelerating from 0-100 KM/H in under two seconds!

Their Pacific Hills team survived the Regional Finals, they won the NSW State Finals and took out several awards and finished in the top four at the recent National Finals in Melbourne. The Hills-based students are collaborating with a school from Sydney’s south west to create an even faster car for the international showdown. They will also have to upgrade their technical portfolios, pit display, verbal presentation and team marketing to a whole new level.

Given that this is their final year at Pacific Hills, having to prepare for the HSC, they are going to be quite busy! And, it will be worth it. The team which is named World Champions of F1 in Schools receives a scholarship to study at a university in London! Team Australia is the most successful of the 50 nations having won the World Final a record six times!

Teachers Greg Conway and Gloria Quee have devoted many hours to supporting this campaign and couldn’t be happier.

“We are absolutely thrilled that Frontier Racing is representing Australia and Pacific Hills at the F1 in Schools World Finals 2020. We are very proud of each team member who has worked extremely hard, challenged and extended him/herself throughout the competition.”