galston community news

A Happy Customer

Recently Peter from GeoHex and Brett from HRC Constructions collaborated to successfully solve an enduring ground issue being experienced by acreage owners in Galston.

The area which was in need of rehabilitation was the communal gather ground where their horses chose to congregate. A gradient in the driveway meant that the driveway medium was constantly washing away, settling just where the horses congregated. The combination of water not being able to drain away and the horses churning up the soil meant that a solution needed to be found. Geohex was the perfect solution to solve this particular problem. Brett prepared the ground with a bed of crushed sandstone, the Geohex was laid and the final layer of crushed sandstone aggregate was backfilled into the Geohex. A good mornings work.

With recent rain the Fishburns Ave residents were able to see just what a great solution they had found in Geohex.