galston community news

Galston Garden Club Next Meeting will be on 12th March 2025

Galston Garden Club, Open Garden Weekend, Florists Art

The Galston Garden Club had it’s first meeting for 2025 on the 12th February. Visitors, new members and members were welcomed back with a interesting talk from Mal Johnston from Booongala Native Gardens and Rainforest. Mal outlined the history of Boongala and spoke about the garden with a pictorial.

You may be noticing around out district Ivory curl trees, botanically they are called Buckinghamia celsissima. Ivory curl trees tick all the boxes as they are fast growing and easy to care for with spectacular flowers that attract birds. It is an Australian Native. Ivory curl tree perfectly describes their curled Ivory coloured flowers which appear from late summer through into autumn. They are produced on the ends of branches and are full of nectar which attracts birds and bees alike.

Ivory Curl trees have a lovely dense umbrella shape, with attractive glossy green foliage. New growth often has a pinkish red tinge which provides interest even when not in flower. They are perfect as a feature tree or mass planted for privacy.

Originally from the tropical rainforests of eastern Queensland they are surprisingly adaptable and will even grow in areas with light frosts provided they are in a sheltered position. They will tolerate a wide range of soils but will benefit from good drainage with plenty of organic matter mixed in. The richer the soil the faster the growth. Plant in full sunt to part shade and maintain moisture levels until well established. After this they are quite dry tolerant.

Actual tree height will be determined by your climate. In warmer regions they reach 6 to 8 metres but the temperature drops, so does the height of the tree. This means in places like Sydney or Melbourne the ivory curl tree is more of a large shrub than a real tree. Plants usually flower after 2 to 3 years.

The Galston Garden Club’s next meeting will be on the 12th March, (we meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month) at the Community Hall, 37 Arcadia Rd, Galston. Visitors are welcome. We end our meetings with a Chat and Cuppa.

For more information visit our website or email [email protected]