galston community news

Galston Garden Club

Galston Garden Club, Open Garden Weekend, Florists Art

Next meeting will be on 12th February 2025 Talks about “Four common plants that repel APHIDS from your garden.”

HAPPY NEW YEAR. The Galston District Garden Club will resume monthly meetings on the 12th February 2025.

The Garden Club is more than just coming to listen to speakers and purchasing a bargain plan. You will be rewarded by making new friends and sharing plant tips and ideas. We meet regularly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Galston Community Hall, 37 Arcadia Road, Galston at 7.30pm.

We welcome new members and visitors. We are an informal and friendly group, and no matter what your gardening ability or gardening knowledge, you can be sure that you can look forward to pleasant company. Your botanical knowledge will be entirely adequate. Members range from beginners to very experienced. We use our interest in gardening as a great excuse for social gatherings and garden rambles.

There will be interesting talks and displays at each meeting. We have a large and extensive library of gardening books and DVD”s that members can borrow. We look forward to meeting you.

Aphids are a very common garden pest and can affect the health of many plants in the garden when an infestation occurs. Their sap-sucking tendencies can cause damage in various ways including distorting or destroying leaves, transferring disease from sucking, encourages the growth of mould and attracts ants from their excretion of honeydew.

While removing and killing aphids is an effective way to treat infected plants you could avoil this situation by using an aphid repellent. There are plants you can put in your garden to repel aphids naturally.

These plants either have repulsive aromas and scents, or they release chemicals that actively repel aphids and encourage them to relocate. So not only will they stay our of your garden beds, they’re also likely to move their breeding and egg-laying to an alternative spot. The Allium family of plants are known for being active repeller’s for many pests and unwanted animals, including snakes. Whether you choose garlic, leek, chives, onions or even agapanthus, aphids will not enjoy any of their strong scents.

If you choose quick growing chives, you can have the benefit of eating them. Marigolds and Fragrant Herbs are also a repellent. Plant the around veggies, flowers and shrubs prone to an aphid attach or are very sensitive to pest damage. Good Gardening.

For more information regarding the Garden Club please visit; or [email protected]