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From The Desk Of Matt Kean Mp


I have been overwhelmed with positive feedback I have received on the proposal to have a safe pedestrian/cycle access along Old Northern Road between Glenorie and Dural.

This is clearly a piece of infrastructure that, once delivered, residents will use and enjoy. My office will continue to pursue getting this on the Active Transport Strategy agenda with the support of both Hornsby and Hills Shire Councils.

I was very pleased to host the Primary School leaders in parliament house last month. I have to say this annual event is one of the highlights in my agenda and over the years I have watched with interest as previous year’s attendees have progressed on to great things.

WestInvest Funding Matt Kean Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Galston Gorge HSC Booster lockdown Hornsby, Grand Openings, NSW Government

Student leader representatives from schools right across the Hornsby electorate attended including Arcadia, Galston, Middle Dural and Cherrybrook.

Finally, I’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe holiday period.

I’d also like to thank the community for their support as we continue to ensure Hornsby is the best place to live, work and raise a family.
