galston community news

From The Desk of Matt Kean

bushfire season matt kean, Northern RoadResidents in the Glenorie area are eager to have safe pedestrian/cycle access along Old Northern Road between Glenorie and Dural.

A shared pathway in that area would allow the local community to increase their walking and cycling opportunities and decrease their reliance on using motor vehicles, particularly for shorter trips.

The previous State Government introduced the Active Transport Strategy to identify and provide funding for these major shared pathway opportunities and I will be working hard with the current Government to have this section of Old Northern Road included in the Active Transport plan.

The recent NSW police boundary changes have relocated the Glenhaven/Cherrybrook areas from the Eastwood Local Area Command to the Hills Local Area Command.

This will reduce response times to Glenhaven/Cherrybrook area, and I know it is a very welcome change as a number of residents previously contacted my office with concerns on this issue.

I am pleased to see Hornsby Council rolling out significant road repairs across my electorate. These repairs are being funded as part of the previous State Government’s $500 million Regional and Local Road Repair Program for NSW councils to support emergency patching to roads damaged from last year’s severe storms.

Through this funding, announced in February this year, Hornsby Council received $6.5 million as a boost to their existing repairs budget for roads that fall under their responsibility.

If you are aware of a road that requires repairs in your local area, please report it to Hornsby Council or my office.

If I can assist with any issues, you can contact me at [email protected]

Naucon group