Tania Salitra
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Rural Lands Review

Hornsby Council has advised that they are undertaking an accelerated Local Environmental Plan (LEP) review. Part of this review will include Hornsby Council’s Rural Lands.

Any review must take into account the points made in the Sydney Greater Commission’s North District Plan. Specifically this would include Sustainability – Planning Priority N18 – Better Managing Rural Areas.

Several local residents associations will be working with the community, Council and Councillors to ensure all views are heard. These may include the Glenorie Progress Association (GPA), the Arcadia Galston Residents Association (AGRA), Galston Area Residents Association (GARA) and Hornsby Rural Residents Association (HRRA). Each of these associations will interpret this rural lands review with a different perspective.

Parts of N18 state:

• A significant proportion of the Metropolitan Rural Area (MRA) is under-utilised and has the potential to be used for productive rural uses

• Increased demand for biodiversity offset sites and limiting urban development in the MRA will help make it more attractive for landowners to protect biodiversity on private land through stewardship agreements

• Maintaining and enhancing the distinctive character of each rural and bushland town and village is a high priority. Ongoing planning and management of rural towns and villages will need to respond to local demand for growth, the character of the town or village and the surrounding landscape and rural activities.

• Limited growth of rural residential development could be considered where there are no adverse impacts on the amenity of the local area and the development provides incentives to maintain and enhance the environmental, social and economic values of the MRA

• Design-led place-based planning will help manage environmental, social and economic values, maximise the productive use of rural areas, and incentivise biodiversity protection for remnant vegetation.

A Council micro website be set up to encourage participation by the community in the Accelerated LEP Review Program, providing a site where online “Have your Say” consultations can be hosted and background documents, consultation events and review schedules can be shared via one location.

More information on the North District Plan and the Accelerated LEP are available on the Hornsby Shire Council website.

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