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GPA Initiatives for the remainder of 2020
The Glenorie Progress Association agreed to focus on two initiatives for the remainder of the year:
The first being the commencement of the Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence which is being installed by Hornsby Shire Council and then progressing the improvement of the Post Office Rd-Whites Rd Walking Loop with The Hills Shire Council.

Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence progress
In the September meeting GPA members voted unanimously to progress the concept plan that was drafted by Hornsby Shire Council. Karl van Middeldyk from Aussie Stonemasons attended the meeting and explained how the decorative pillars would be constructed. The whole memorial park design is now on display for community comment before progressing. Please offer your support here:

We would like to thank Hornsby Shire Council Parks, Trees and Recreation Branch planning for all their work in this matter. A draft landscape plan which incorporates the whole park, including some additional car parking, has been developed. Subject to some amendments/improvements, the hope the plan will be endorsed by residents and stakeholders and progress to become a plan which we can all stand behind as a project and to focus on community funding. You can see full details on our website at, including the full landscape plan. Thank you to Councillor Warren Waddell and the Hornsby Shire Council Team for the great work thus far.

Hornsby Shire Biodiversity Map
The threat of significant “green tape” for Glenorie residents in the Hornsby Shire continues to be an issue that the GPA is monitoring. At the August council meeting, the most impactful option was selected by the Greens Councillor and supported with the casting vote by the Liberal Mayor in relation “to update the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (HLEP 2013) Terrestrial Biodiversity Map”. The impact was that the application of vegetation mapping would affect approximately 12,150 properties in the shire as opposed to the current 1,750 or one of the other options of 4,100 properties. We do not want a situation where property owners need to apply to the council for the most minor of changes or maintenance to their property.

Thank you to Glenorie RSL
The GPA meets at the Glenorie RSL monthly. Glenorie RSL has continued to operate as best they could through this period, and things are looking up. The outdoor area upgrade looks fantastic, and we would encourage all residents to support the club, particularly the kitchen and enjoy the new outdoor space. We are really pleased to hear that despite not having any income for many months, the Glenorie RSL will continue to sponsor the various community organisations it supports at 50% of the usual sponsorship level.

Our local federal MP Julian Lesser has been campaigning to get Telstra to improve services locally. In a recent visit to Glenorie Vets I noted the state of the Glenorie Telstra Exchange. It is in a deplorable condition at least in terms of the exterior. I would hope that the equipment inside is in a better state. NBN is rolling out in Glenorie, but it will not service residents beyond the Glenorie Oval or further down Cattai Ridge and Halcrows Rd with fibre. I have heard of residents who may live in a valley where they have very little or no mobile coverage due to the topography. For those residents, a copper landline may be the only means of connectivity. However given the state of the Glenorie Exchange exterior, it would appear that there is little funding to maintain the network. For example, the exchange, covered by a tarp, is held together with an arrangement of ropes. It seems to have been this way for quite some time. This temporary cover is a concern. Some residents will not get NBN fibre, have poor or little coverage and still need a fully functioning copper network. The recent COVID-19 lockdown period highlighted the importance of connectivity, particularly for children who need to be educated from home and online is the primary means of accessing their school portals. We do not want a situation in Glenorie of the “haves, and the have nots” when it comes to connectivity. The GPA has “ventilated” the coverage issue at meetings and will continue to do what it can by obtaining data and making representations where possible to encourage coverage for all.

You can join the GPA at and add your voice to important issues that affect Glenorie. Next meeting location to be advised on the website (RSL or Zoom).

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