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The Society’s year is drawing to a close. Our November speaker was Shire Councillor and historian, Nathan Tilbury who gave us a talk on the history of Berowra. Our part of Sydney is special and it is always a pleasure to hear an enthusiastic researcher uncover another piece of its history.

Members and friends gathered for lunch on the 15th November and judging by the animated conversations, recollecting the year’s activities showed that it has been an enjoyable one. The topics ranged from the history and origins of our plant foods, architecture, Cattai Creek, the migration experience and the remarkable story of the recording of the first contacts in Botany Bay in our June Roughly Memorial Lecture. The Committee will meet in December to decide on nine guest speakers and consider where the members might visit on the three one day trips and at least one with an overnight stay.

While History Cottage will close on Wednesday the 11th December, members will be catching up on research and scanning photographs to add to the Society’s collection. Should there be a need for assistance of an historical or heritage nature, contact can be made by telephoning Michael Bell, the Society’s President, on 96531365.

The members meet in History Cottage, beside the Cenotaph in Galston Park, on the second Saturday of each month at 2.00pm. The first meeting for 2020 will be on the 8th February. Come along, enjoy meeting like minded people and learn what will be happening over the coming months.

The Society members wish readers a happy family Christmas and look forward to enjoying their company in the New Year.

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