galston community news

Year 5 Students Master Economics
The burning question of How do we organize ourselves? was posed to Hills Grammar Year 5 students in their latest International Baccalaureate transdisciplinary theme. Over the next few weeks the 10-11 year olds immersed themselves in the world of economics, systems of production, exchange and consumption of goods and services, culminating in Market Day

Sounds a bit dry doesn’t it? Well, not according to Year 5 entrepreneur, Samantha Chi “Market Day was a great experience and was one of the best things that I have ever done- even though it was a school project. This was a day of chaos, fun and of course, market. Year 5 were learning about economic activity, exchange, profit and loss and the financial world so, what better way to learn about these things than to set up your own stall.”

Ruby Cook believes “The most important things I learned was how to create a business plan and that presentation is the key; that customers like interaction and they expect value for their money.”

Year 5 teacher, Chris Solomou commended the students “… on their collaborative work, the variety of stalls and creative way the children promoted and sold their products.”

The weeks of research and planning in student teams not only brought reality to the theory of commerce but raised an amazing $3623 to go to a cancer charity, in memory of Mr Phipps, the School’s Principal who recently passed away.