galston community news

Bromeliad Society Of Australia


GUEST SPEAKER HORTICULTURALIST HELEN LOVEL The next Bromeliad Society of Australia meeting will be on the 10th June with plant sales from 10am with the meeting commencing at 12 noon, at Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground, off Showground Road into Doran Drive. Guest speaker, Helen Lovel has fifteen years experience as a Horticulturist as well […]

All That is Gold Does Glitter

All That is Gold Does Glitter

Arcadian resident, Alison Gold, has been a dancer all her life, but it wasn’t until she was in her twenties that she took up Tap Dancing in a serious way. In 2018 Alison and a couple of her friends began a small social Tap group in the Auditorium of the Dural Country Club which soon […]

Hornsby Art Prize 2023 – Entries Open 5 June

Hornsby Art Prize 2023 – Entries Open 5 June

Hornsby Shire Council invites entries for its popular national art competition, the Hornsby Art Prize, from 5 June. The well-recognised annual event promotes and celebrates Australian Contemporary Art. The 13th Hornsby Art Prize is open to all visual artists living in Australia. Artists are invited to submit works in the following categories: Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, […]

Community Bush Dance 17th June 6pm

Community Bush Dance 17th June 6pm

The Glenorie Community will again host their annual Bush Dance at the Glenorie Memorial Hall. The Hall was built in 1932 and provides the perfect setting with a classic country feel, for a bush dance. Every year the timber floor boards echo with the stomping of boots as young and old blast away the winter […]

Castle Hill Art Society

Castle Hill Art Society

DEMONSTRATION – SATURDAY 8TH JULY 2.00PM Robyn Langford-Brown “Botanicals in watercolours” Robyn is a Botanical Artist painting in watercolour and is a long-time member of the Botanical Art Society of Australia. During the demo Robyn will explain what is botanical art with the use of transparent watercolours, limited palette and tonal graphics. Botanical art starts […]