galston community news

Bushfire Survival

Firefighting authorities around the country are on high alert. They know the biggest fire danger is in the Urban Interface! In the Hills district we can all be grateful for the services of the volunteer Brigades. They do a brilliant job and give up their time to train, but they can’t be everywhere at once! […]

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade

STATIC WATER SUPPLY (SWS) Have you heard of the Static Water Supply Program? It is a free service that allows the community to help firefighters by identifying existing water supplies on their properties. In the event that firefighters cannot connect to hydrants, locating an alternative static water supply is vital during a fire emergency. Examples […]

Galston District Garden Club

The Galston District Garden Club has commenced meetings for 2023. If you missed the meeting in February the next meeting will be held on the 8th March. Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Galston Community Centre, 37 Arcadia Road, Galston. Time, 7.30pm We always enjoy welcoming new people […]