galston community news


Hi, my name is Kerron May and I am your tombstone tourist or a “taphophile” being someone interested in cemeteries and collecting epitaphs. Over the past few months I have brought you pieces concerning cemeteries, their traditions, rites and usage as a vehicle for remembrance. I have always been intrigued by the demographic cemeteries present […]

Galston VIEW Club

The Galston VIEW Club which raises money to support The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program will hold its monthly Luncheon Meeting on Wednesday 26th September, 2018 at The Galston Club, 21-25 Arcadia Road Galston, at 11am. The guest speaker will be Julian Leeser, Federal Member for Berowra. The Galston Branch Manager of Bendigo Bank, […]


Aussie’s turbo lance cuts cleaning time in half! It saves time, water and energy.

Australian Pump is Australia’s leading manufacturer of high pressure water blasters. The company started around 22 years ago building simple machines and realised there was a huge opening for heavy duty blasters designed for tough Australian operating conditions. As the company progressed, they found that many customers, at both operators and management levels, didn’t understand […]


Image from the 2002 Fires in Glenorie

Annual General Meeting GPA held it’s AGM on 14 August and after an interesting evening of voting for all positions, all incumbents have been returned to the Executive plus one addition to the Ordinary Members of the Committee. We also have a new Secretary, welcome Callum, and our association looks forward to an exciting new […]