galston community news

Friends of Fagan Park

Replacement of the pressed metal ceilings in Netherby Homestead were completed during June, matching the original patterns, and walls and ceiling repainted. We are in the process of cleaning and polishing all furniture, rehanging curtains, and returning all the small items that were packed away for safe keeping. The homestead should be reopened by the […]

Valerie Selff

7th March 1940 to 13th June 2018 – Known to us as Naina Mum to Belinda Petith and David Selff It is hard to put a life into words. Our mum and Naina put so much life and love into everyone she touched. Val was born in Bankstown in 1940 to proud new parents of […]

Local Lions Club Children’s Helps fight Cancer

West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Club and The NSW Lions Public Health Foundation has donated a total of $15,000 to enable the Westmead Children’s Cancer Research Unit (CCRU) to upgrade equipment used to treat childhood cancer. This project was jointly funded by The Club, $10,000 and The Lions Health Foundation providing the balance of $5,000 […]

The language of Flowers

According to archaeological evidence, flowers have played an important role in the traditions surrounding the death and funeral/burial rituals across numerous cultures for at least the past 11,700 years. Today not only does a floral tribute express, comfort and support, it also sends a message concerning hidden feelings, meanings and symbolism pertinent to both the […]


Six years ago the Society wanted to establish a suitable memorial to its founder and a patron, Mrs June Roughley. It was to be a recognition of her remarkable research skills and generosity. To this end a quality, wellresearched, public lecture, presented by a professionally recognized historian, on a subject connected to our district, was […]