galston community news

Free Native Plants!

Once again, a generous donor has enabled Landcare to offer free local native plants to landowners who live in Hornsby Council’s rural area, or Hills Shire along Old Northern Road. We want the plants to go to people who are clearing privet or lantana or other weeds and who wish to revegetate with native plants. […]

Crofton Weed is about to shed its seeds again

See you at Fagan Park for Hornsby Councils Sustainable Garden Day It’s that time of year again when Hornsby Council’s Nursery comes to Galston to give away thousands of free native plants to Hornsby Shire residents and provide information on living a more sustainable life in your corner of the shire. This year’s event will […]

Galston Garden Club


Spring is in the air, with warm days encouraging some of the blossoms to bloom, and daffodils are appearing. Our Open Gardens Committee and the garden owners who will be opening their gardens are now in full swing getting things organised for the Open Gardens Weekend on 20th-22nd October 17. This is our major fundraiser […]