galston community news

Happy Birthday to Galston Community Bank – 15 years old

Congratulations to the Manager and staff of Galston and District Community Bank Branch of the Bendigo Bank. On 24th March they celebrated 15 years since they opened in Galston. In that time the branch has given over $2m in donations and sponsorships back to our community. This has been achieved through the support of our […]

Dural Lawn Bowls

The keen ladies at Dural Country Club have had to fit their games around blistering heat and wet days but nothing dampened the excitement when Robin Davidson’s team won the Northern Suburbs District Senior Fours! Elizabeth Whelan, as lead, set the team up, the second Eileen Bromley, third Diana Sweeney and skip Robin built on […]

Opera and Icons for Galston

The Galston Concert of Sunday 30 April will present rising stars of opera and guitar. “This concert links to three musical icons of Sydney – the Opera House, Conservatorium and the Sydney Eisteddfod – through the talents of fine musicians who just happen to be young” says Robert Harris, Artistic Director of The Galston Concerts. […]

Bakers & Brewers Bar Opens

With a long proud history of award winning food and design, Glenorie Bakery knows how to make not just Sydney, but the entire country take notice of this bakery in a small town. Famous for their meat pies which are made fresh daily, the bakery prides itself on using the best quality ingredients in whatever […]

Refinancing loans

10 Years ago, I met a most delightful woman when I provided her a Seniors Loan, otherwise called a Reverse Mortgage. She had the most adorable timber cottage that matched her bubbly personality and which she had designed herself. The cottage nestled into the vegetation and a floral trimmed timber deck and sunny sitting room […]

Using technology to connect family and friends

IT 4 Retirees Pty Ltd is a local business providing tailored computer training and support for over 55’s. Our mission is to empower mature aged people to confidently use technology to connect with family, friends and the wider community. Through a personalised service and easy to understand language, local Debbie Amos joined Christine David ( […]

Galston Girl Guides learn about Guiding around the world

The year has started with much excitement for Galston Guides. World Thinking Day was a perfect opportunity to learn about other cultures and Guiding across the world. We have had a promise ceremony for our newest Guide leader and our new guides will be making their promise soon. The weather stayed warm and dry for […]

Glenorie Shopping Centre Development

On 20th December the owners of the Glenorie Shopping Centre, Tazcol Pty Ltd, appealed to the Land and Environment Court against Council’s deemed refusal of their development application. On 10th March the applicant was granted leave to amend the plans. Original objectors were notified that they could put in further submissions until 27th March. The […]

Glenorie Progress Association

This month the GPA have been reviewing our submission to the Greater Sydney Commission. We hope all residents have considered sending in their submissions too. It’s never too late – google Greater Sydney Commission website, then look for ‘Get Involved’ and ‘Have Your Say’. It’s a simple question and answer format or you can write […]

Days for Girls project: Castle Hill Team

Days for Girls is a non-profit project run by grass roots teams of women worldwide to provide feminine hygiene products to girls to allow them to stay at school all the school year. It has been initiated to create a more dignified, free and educated world through access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions. It survives […]