galston community news

Soccer Grand Final

Another great soccer season culminated with an exciting Grand Final last Saturday, between The Piccolos and The Galstonites, at Hayes park, Galston. The Piccolos were victorious with a 3­1 final score despite a fierce counter attack by The Galstonites. Presentations were held after the game where all teams agreed it had been the best season yet, with happy […]

Seeds to Sow …… Promises to Keep

A little wilderness has appeared in my garden, sown by nature, not by me! It emerged beneath my Rosa Mutabilis, a romantic display of flowers in its own right, which produces sprays of fluttering, open-petalled roses that resemble a flight of butterflies which change colour. Here, beneath the dense display of roses, a mysterious tepee has emerged in a lush […]

Salvation Army Glenorie

In its mission to provide hope, opportunity and freedom without discrimination to all Australians. The Salvation Army recently opened a store in Glenorie. Open on Wednesdays only, trading at Glenorie has recently been extended to both Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 3pm. The Salvation Army is currently recruiting community-minded people who can volunteer a few hours per […]

Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade News

On Sunday 14 August 2016 Glenorie Brigade joined with Arcadia, Galston, Maroota, Middle Dural and Hornsby Support Brigades for the annual service for the RFS (Rural Fire Service) at Galston Uniting Church. Thank you Rev. Geoff Smith, Paul Udy, Elizabeth Garlick and all who worked hard to make the day a really lovely celebration followed by a delicious lunch. Hornsby […]


Councillor Yvonne Keane has been elected to the role of Mayor of The Hills Shire at an extraordinary meeting of Council on Thursday 25 August 2016, with Councillor Robyn Preston elected as Deputy Mayor. Mayor Keane thanked outgoing Mayor, Dr Michelle Byrne for her leadership and said she was grateful for the opportunity to become […]