galston community news

Mother’s Day Pampering Evening at Galston Girl Guides

The highlight of May was Mother’s Day. The girls brought their Mum along to Guides and treated her to a facial, hand scrub and pedicure. All this pampering was washed down with a cup of tea, homemade scones and Anzac cookies. Mothers and daughters had great fun. Girl Guides meet on a Thursday. Junior Guides (aged 6-10) […]

Glenorie Mission Church

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” Isaiah 55: 6-7. These words describe an opportunity […]

Glenorie Mission Church

Is the Bible relevant today? Isn’t it just an old book about things irrelevant to a modern intellectual, science-based society? Can there be any truth in a book of religion?  Isn’t  religion itself just made up by mankind to try and explain things they didn’t understand or perhaps to make them feel good?  After all, in this post modern world we […]


Sunday Family Service 10 am G day again, Normally by June I’m saying something like 'hope you're staying warm this winter', but as I sit here writing I’m still in short sleeves as this unseasonably warm May continues! I do trust that you’re going well. We are thanks. We're also pretty busy. There’s programs on for young & […]