galston community news

2016 Hills Relay Returns To The Showground

One of the biggest local events on the community calendar is back at Castle Hill Showground, with the 2016 Hills Relay for Life set raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the NSW Cancer Council.

Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne has been a Hills Relay for Life committee member for several years and said she’s looking forward to the string of events in the lead up to the Relay itself, which will be held on Saturday May 21thorough to Sunday May 22.

“Before I became Mayor, I spent many years in the lab searching for cures for cancer. My doctorate is in cancer research and if there’s anyone who understands how important it is to raise money for this cause – it’s me,” Mayor Byrne said.

“There simply isn’t enough Government funding going around for medical research in general, so the community’s help is always needed. It makes me extremely proud to know that The Hills Relay for Life is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Cancer Council in Australia and that The Hills Shire Council has been a strong support of The Hills Relay since it kicked off 15 years ago.”

Mayor Byrne was joined by fellow committee members including Chair Lynnette Pike, Bev Jordan, James Butler, Bryan Mullan  and former Hills Shire Councillor and inaugural Hills Relay Chair Cathy Aird at the Castle Hill Showground where the Relay is returning after two years at Centenary of ANZAC Reserve.

“The Showground is one of our most important public spaces and over the next few years, it will become increasingly popular as a leisure destination for our growing population. I’m really happy to see that Hills Relay for Life is back in its original home.”

Hills Relay Chair Lynnette Pike called on residents to dig deep to help Hills Relay reach their fundraising goal of $355,000.

“Over the last 15 years, The Hills Relay has raised more than $3.5 million for research into cures for cancers of the liver, pancreas and stomach to name a few, as well as funding for crisis care, palliative care and many other important projects,” Ms Pike said.

“Apart from the money raised, the Hills Relay is just a wonderful event to be a part of. The vibe created by the thousands of participants in colourful costumes can’t be matched.”

“We want more individuals and teams to sign up so round up your friends, family or colleagues and be a part of the 2016 Hills Relay for Life.”

The 2016 Hills Relay For Life
Where: Castle Hill Showground
When: 9.30am Saturday 21 May9.30am Sunday 22 May
Registration: $20 includes purple shirt – and search for ‘Hills 2016’