galston community news


Term 2 at 1st Dural Scout Group was action packed across all the sections.

The Joey mob had a “Space” theme during the term, which saw them launching rockets, making alien masks and enjoying a night at the Penrith Observatory.

The Cub pack was busily working on achieving various badges, resulting in many members receiving badges for individual achievement as well as group efforts. The highlight of the term was the Cub Spy Camp at Bundilla Camp, Winston Hills, along with a number of Cub Packs from across Sydney ranging from Blackheath, Balcombe Heights, Kellyville and Pennant Hills.

The Scout troop attended the 41st annual Jamborette and also held an intensive badge work day, where they cooked their meal and mastered tying some challenging knots, enabling many of them to complete their Camp Craft badge.

The Venturers also attended the Jamborette, assisting with many of the activities. They have also been tinkering with engines, playing bicycle polo and abseiling. Wow, what a term!

Our end of term group activity saw us heading out to Yarramundi Trees Adventure Park. All the kids, leaders and some thrill seeking parents, had a fantastic time climbing through the aerial challenges and flying on the multiple flying foxes.

We are definitely looking forward to a fun filled term 3!!

For all membership enquiries, please contact Warren on 0419 280 967 or [email protected]